Home again!
20/11/2011 06:58(by Rob)
Yesterday afternoon, at one o'clock, the three of us went home again. A relief after such a turbulent week. Home sweet home !!!
Esmées quick recovery amazed everyone, incuding staff members of the hospital. The main criteria for hospital release are met. Her wound is healed and she can walk the stairs up and down independently. We have to keep in mind however that the entire rehabilitation will take at least half a year.
Recovery and birthday
18/11/2011 17:29
Esmée has recovered well after her second operation. Thursday afternoon she was able to stand and walk again. Today, on November 18th, the three of us celebrated her birthday. The picture shows how Esmée watching her classmates on her mobile phone, while they are singing Happy Birthday for her.
17/11/2011 09:42(by Rob)
On Thursday at 6 p.m. the surgeon arrived to see Esmée. Unfortunately he didn’t have good news. A closer examination of the X-ray image convinced him that one of the attached screws was not placed properly. In the future this might give rise to problems. The surgeon explained that measures had to be taken. An operation was the only option. The next morning at 8 a.m. It will take one hour. And of course there will be some delay in recovery.
Of course the news was hard to deal with. A real disappointment for all of us taking into account the progress of the days before. But after getting used to the news for several hours we felt confident again and are convinced that we would be able to deal with the situation.
Little progress, still some pain
16/11/2011 07:31Tuesday morning Esmée was in a good mood. She had slept fairly well. Only once her blood pressure had suddenly dropped. The nurses were able to take appropriate measures. Esmees face was hardly pale anymore. Moreover, the oxygen supply was removed from her nose, which made her look even better.
While Esmee was in bed, an X-ray image was taken. According to the surgeon, it indicated that the metal parts were in the right position. Occasionaly she suffered from pain.
Early in the evening of November 15th, less than 24 hours after the operation, the therapist asked Esmée to sit upright. And to our (and her) surprise she was able to do that. Later that evening she even manages to stand in front of her bed. Amazing!
Esmees operation went well.
14/11/2011 22:52(by Rob)
It took the surgeons almost seven hours to do the operation. Approximately at 8 p.m. she came to..But in any case most important part is: Esmees operation went well!
The only thing we can do is just wait
14/11/2011 17:15(by Rob, Esmées father)
Today it was all going to happen. Around one o’clock in the afternoon, somewhat later than scheduled. The operation has started. The only thing we can do is just wait. At six o’clock we hope to receive a phonecall with news on the operation.
I was allowed to accompany Esmée until we arrived in a room close to the operation room. There the staff prepared her for the operation. Esmée was relaxed. She was very talkative to the staff when she told them about school, hobbies, sports and her degus. Finally, she received a sleeping drug. From that moment the only thing we could do was waiting.
in hospital
13/11/2011 23:57I am in hospital now. Just heard all about what is going to happen tomorrow. The operation takes place at 11 a.m., exciting!!! I don’t need to get up early tomorrow. I don’t know what to think about tomorrow. I am somewhat confused. Behind me there is a wall with postcards that you sent me. Thanks for that!!! Wish me luck!!!
Tomorrow, I might tell you more about it, and if I am not in the mood, my father or mother will do that for me.